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Sci Fi Top Down Game Template 2.0 – FREE ASSET

V 2.2 Features:

* Added Minimap
* Added Loot to enemies
* bug fixing and more small features

Unity Free Source Code

Although this Unity Asset is typically a paid asset, it is currently available for free download. It’s important to note that this offer is intended strictly for educational purposes or for testing the product before making a purchase, and it should not be utilized for commercial activities


V 2.0 Features:

* Updated to 2019.3
* Improved character prefab management
* Added Third Person Camera
* Added Vehicles (Beta)
* Added Dungeon Procedural generator (beta)
* Added Procedural Walking system for characters (beta)
* and more features…

V 1.9 Features:

* Updated to 2019.1
* Now Using Low resolution Pipeline
* Now using ShaderGraph shaders.
* Added WASD old style movement (aiming and moving in the same direction all the time)
* Added Melee while using weapons (push melee while aiming with rifle)
* Fixed joystick bug (it wasn´t using stick sensitivity)

V 1.8 Features:

* Added Objectives Manager inside Levels with:
* Kill Objective
* Destroy Objective
* Collect Objective
* Reach Objective
* Resist in zone Objective

V 1.7 Features:

* Added Main Menu
* Added Character Selection
* Added Lives to the player. Now you can continue from last position using “lives”
* Level Manager and Level End Zone (you can get to the “Finish” and complete a level)
* One Shoot health for the player option
* Load new level saving player stats (health, weapons, ammo, etc..)

V 1.6 Features:

* Added Melee weapon mesh and grenade weapon mesh
* Improved mele animations
* Added Basic walls and models for prototyping
* Pick ups now show Text about the pickup (weapon name, etc..)
* Post process preset added to resource folder
* Weapons sounds added
* Usable device basic mesh added
* Enemies are using LOD1 now (better performance)
* Updated and improved player HUD (Now shows weapon name)
* Blood now only shows on “Object” layers
* updated unarmed run/sprint for melee weapons
* Spawners now can spawn more than 1 enemy type (Spawners)
* Pick ups color selector and text now need to be set by PrPlayerSettings Scritable Object.